Look Fabulous

A Beautiful Careers Site

Your logo. Your design. No set up fees. Zero hassle.

  • A minimalistic media pricing analyst career page example, with modern employer branding.
  • A fun account executive career page example, with whimsical employer branding.


That come alive

  • Videos showcase your company, environment and products.
  • Pictures help job seekers visualize themselves in the job.
  • Profiles sell the (awesome) people on your team.
  • Referral rewards motivate people to share and refer.
An example of a job description on a job site webpage with video content

A modern job application that wows candidates

Drag-and-drop files. Parse Resumes. Access files in the cloud. Import from LinkedIn.


on any device

  • Whether on a mobile phone, a tablet or the web, JobScore makes your jobs easy to read and apply for.
  • 45 percent of job seekers use their mobile devices to search for jobs at least once every day.”

    Glassdoor Hiring Survey

Attractive Android developer career page on phone, tablet, and desktop.