Step 1: Create your profile
- Creating a profile is quick and easy.
- When you load your resume we extract your contact information, work experience and education history.
- No need to fill out any forms, just tell us if we’ve got it right.
Step 2: Describe your ideal job
- Want to wear flip flops to the office? A different work schedule? A shorter commute.
Tell us what’s most important to you and we’ll only recommend you for jobs that
match your interests.
- Learn more about the JobScore matching engine.
Step 3: Protect your privacy
- Control how many employers can find you by adjusting your required fit score
- You can also block specific employers from finding you.
Check out our privacy guarantee
and our privacy policy to learn more.
Step 4: Be found!
- Employers with jobs that meet your requirements can view your anonymous profile.
If they like what they see, they can access your contact information,
work experience and education history.
Step 5: Get the Inside Scoop
Each time an employer accesses your complete profile,
JobScore sends you an email showing how well their job matches what you want.
Put JobScore to Work for You Today